Sketches, Reconstructions, and Illustrations

SM topographical map (with 1 meter contour lines)

Shkarat Msaied: North-South cross-section through excavation area (after Kinzel 2013: plate 2.5.B)

SM 2015 Reconstruction scenario by Nuka Godtfredsen

SM 2005 Reconstruction of Unit K Interior by Moritz Kinzel (after Kinzel 2013: Taf.2.86.B)

Reconstruction Unit K (Kinzel 2013:Taf. 2.62.A)

Reconstruction of Unit K (Kinzel 2013:Taf.2.62.B)

Shkarat Msaied, Reconstruction of the settlement (Kinzel 2013:Taf.2.86.A)

Front Cover of the 2009 novel "Hej Menneske!" by Merete Pryds Helle based on her field experience at Shkarat Msaied.