Other analyses

SM2004 Soil samples from the field school days
Plaster and mortar
First plaster studies were carried out by Lea Rehoff Kaliszan. In 2011 a series of mortar and plaster samples was investigated by Dr Robert Sobott, Labor für Baudenkmalpflege Naumburg. Mainly X-ray diffractions were carried out to determine the compositions of plasters and mortars. Another aim was also to identify the nature of the lime plaster. In 2018 and 2019 further tests were carried out and a publication is in preparation.
The investigation of a thin sections of sample No. 92270 (see figure below) and No. 92130 proves that the samples are indeed mortars: angular to sub-rounded quartz grains are embedded in a calcitic matrix. It is, however, distinctly visible that the calcite content of the matrix varies, and it seems to be highest at the surface. In sample No. 92130 small pieces of charcoal were observed which are probably derived from the process of lime burning.