THE SHKARAT MSAIED DATABASE and THE KIRKBRIDE ARCHIVE are still not accessible due to server works at ROYAL LIBRARY! (October 2020)
THE FOX - a tale from Neolithic Shkarat Msaied is out!
New publication on the 2014 and 2015 seasons out: Kinzel M., Harpelund A.M., Jørkov M.L.S., Nielsen P.W., Purschwitz C., Soria A.H., Thuesen M.B., and Thuesen I. 2020. Life and Death at Shkārat Msaied: Results of the 2014 and 2015 seasons. In: Studies in History and Archaeology of Jordan (ICHAJ 2016), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the History and Archaeology of Jordan (21st – 26th May, 2016), Amman. 503-512.
Contribution by M.Kinzel on the special buildings at Shkarat Msaied published in the Festschrift for Sumio Fujii.
Shkarat Msaied recently was featured by a video by Bill Finlayson at Faynan Heritage.
M.Kinzel presented latest results and new initiatives at the 14th ICHAJ in Florence in January 2019.

Green stone beads from Neolithic Shkarat Msaied (Photo: M.B. Thuesen)
November 2017
Short study season of stone beads at the Petra Museum
The stone beads from Shkarat Msaied were studied by Mette Bangsborg Thuesen at the Petra Museum/Wadi Musa/ Jordan in the framework of her MA thesis on the beads from PPNA Shubayqa 6. With the help of the Jordanian colleagues at the Museum Mette could relocate most of the beads found in the last 20 years at Shkarat Msaied. The work was supported by a travel grant of the Danish Institut in Damascus. Results have been published in Neo-Lithics 1/18.
The team has returned from a very successful Shkarat Msaied 2016 season. We had three good weeks at the site. (Check out the latest time-lapse recordings!). Comfortable weather and a dedicated team resulted in very good progress. This year we worked mainly in Unit F. In addition we executed some backfilling in the Eastern parts of the excavation area. Some more images of the season can be found in the media-photo section and in the new 3D-Shkarat Msaied section also a 3D-model of unit F.
June 2016 The Neolithic Shkarat Msaied Project starts cooperation with [Humlab] at the Faculty Library of Humanities to process the photogrammetric records into 3D-models.
May 26, 2016 Presenting the results of the 2014 and 2015 season at Shkarat Msaied at the 13th ICHAJ in Amman.
January 28, 2016: SM featured at National Geographic Spain.
January 24, 2016: SM featured at Stonepages.
January 20, 2016: SM featured at Jyllands-Posten an at
January 19, 2016: Our work at Shkarat Msaied is presented at
SM 2015
The team was joint by the artist Nuka Godfredsen, the author of the graphic novels on the history of Greenland, for a week in the field creating some beautiful drawings of Neolithic Shkarat Msaied. Expect more to come in future!

SM 2015 Nuka drawing at Shkarat Msaied
SM 2015 Fieldwork
The team has returned to Shkarat Msaied for four weeks of fieldwork in August/September 2015. We continued the work in Unit R and F. The field work was supported by the Danish Institute in Damascus and the Danish Palestine Foundation. This year's representative of the Department of Antiquities was Lena Bakkar.
A short report will be available soon.
August 2014
Team returned to Shkarat Msaied in August 2014 to investigate the occupation deposits revealed by illegal diggings under building unit R and to clarify the spatial context in the southern part of the excavation trench between Unit K and H. In addition some consolidation works were carried out to protect the fragile building structures.
The results of the 2014 and 2015 season are presented in the latest Neo-Lithics issue: Kinzel M., Bakkar L., Godtfredsen K.N., Harpelund A.M., Hellum J.K., Hwawra K., Jørkov M.L.S., Nielsen P.W., Purschwitz C., Thuesen I., Thuesen M.B., and Soria A.H. 2016. Shkārat Msaied, the 2014 and 2015 Seasons. In: Neo-Lithics 2/15: 3-10.
A short report on the 2014 field work is available now on the homepage of the Danish Institute in Damascus.
Publication presenting the architecture from Shkarat Msaied is out and available through the bookshop of ex oriente.
SENEPSE 17 Am Beginn des Hausbaus. Studien zur PPNB-Architektur von Shkārat Msaied und Baʻja in der Petra-Region, Südjordanien, by Moritz Kinzel, 570 pages, 259 plates with 605 figs. - incl. 19 colour plates and 2 folded A3 plans, 9 tables, paperback. Berlin: ex oriente 2013.
Contribution to Diskussionen zur Archäologischen Bauforschung 11 volume published:
Kinzel, M. 2014. Überlegungen zur Raumgestaltung und Wegeführung in der neolithischen Architektur Südjordaniens. In: Kurapkat, D., Wulf-Rheidt, U. (eds.): Die Architektur des Weges - Gestaltet Bewegung im gebauten Raum: Diskussionen zur Archäologischen Bauforschung Internationales Kolloquium in Berlin vom 7. bis 11. Februar 2012 veranstaltet vom Architekturreferat des DAI Diskussionen zur Archäologischen Bauforschung 11, Berlin 2013: 269-288.